



sobriety checkpoint Tag

DUI Checkpoints on the State, County, or City Line

If you have ever seen a DUI checkpoint on the state, county, or city line, you may have some questions. For example, you may wonder which laws apply if someone is arrested for DUI. Also, you may wonder if the checkpoint is legal, and whether the police can search cars that are stopped. Which Laws Apply at a State/County/City Line DUI Checkpoint? The state, county, or city on one side of the boundary may have different laws regarding DUI than the one on the other side of the boundary. For example, some cities in Oklahoma have municipal courts that handle DUI cases...

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Targeting, Quotas, and “Wolf Packs”

Targeting, Quotas, and Wolf Packs

When law enforcement take to the roads searching for people to ticket and arrest, often their patrols are not random. Police use techniques such as targeting, quotas, and “wolf packs” to locate people violating the law (or that they think are violating the law) and beef up arrest rates. Targeting Police departments target specific areas or specific people for DUI checks. In particular, most police departments schedule the locations of their sobriety checkpoints based on likely locations to catch drunk drivers. They monitor the dates of local events such as concerts and schedule checkpoints near exits from the concert venue, or they...

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Sobriety Checkpoints in Oklahoma

Sobriety Checkpoints in Oklahoma

Oklahoma law enforcement uses sobriety checkpoints to help locate intoxicated or impaired drivers. These checkpoints, also called roadblocks or mobile checkpoints, slow down and inconvenience sober drivers, but Oklahoma law enforcement point to checkpoints’ efficacy in prevention and deterrence for the general public. Sobriety checkpoints usually occur temporarily and in random locations, although law enforcement does publicize the locations of checkpoints ahead of time. At checkpoints, police or highway patrol stop drivers and briefly detain them to check driver’s licenses and sometimes ask a few questions such as “where are you driving from tonight?” The police are looking for signs of...

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